Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Arghh!!! I hate this...In case you are wondering why, My Psp just spoilt!!! As in the system is now damaged!!! Fking forums!!!! I will never trust them again!!!

I wanted to try my hands on the new customized themes for the Psp...they told me to download the plugins...Then unticked supported folder thingy on the computer...I then followed their instructions step by step...And then BOOM!!! I restarted by Psp and then a messaged came out saying that the psp is damaged and needed to be be reset...It told me to press the o button to continue...So, when I pressed it(I was praying hard), somehow, it directed me to the same BLOODY MESSAGE!!! Damn It(Talk about false hope)!!!!

Damn it!!! Now I need to fork out money to repair my psp....Damn it!!! I hate this!!!Arghh!!!........

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