Monday, December 8, 2008

I was tagged my Lingqing

The rules and regulations:
1. Each player of the game starts off with
10 wierd things/habits/little known facts about yourself
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 wierd things/habits/little
known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names.
4. No tags back !

10 wierd
things/habits/little known facts of Azwan:
#1 - Read romantic books/novels
#2 - Loves to watch desperate housewives
#3 - Not a fan of seafood except fish
#4 - Used to be a Man Utd fan
#5 - Likes to build stuffs from cardboard boxes
#6 - A Game freak!!!
#7 - Still watching WWE
#8 - Sucks at playing the guitar
#9- Have a weakness for chocolate
#10 - Written 3 full-length stories: Secrecy, Take 5 and Sins

now's your turn not according to ranking .
random picking name...
1. Rahmat
2. Bryan
3. Johan
4. Daniel
5. Valen
6. Sitinana
7. Jiale
8. Victor
9. Nithya
10. Adam

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