Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week In Review

Since last Monday been really really busy. It was definitely a hectic week. I'm enjoying my Saturday now but I know after Sunday night, it's gonna start all over again. The only thing that makes me look forward to school is, well, my friend!

Let's recap my week!:

12th July 2010(Monday):

Monday is pretty routine except the fact it was The World Cup Final! Yowzza. Slept for only 2hrs. Went to school dazed and sleepy. Had 4hrs of practical. Then 2hrs break. Then 2hrs of Lab. That day really pushed my limits.

13th July 2010(Tuesday):

Skipped Metro lecture cause I wanna catch up on my sleep and boy, did I make the right decision! Had MIS lab test. Didn't manage to complete it, though. Actually, the rest of class didn't manage to complete.

Then it was 3hrs of Mould Design Make-up class. Really waste my fking time. The computers in the lab sucked big time and in the end, she postponed the class to nxt Friday. After she already used 2hrs of the

But it didn't end there. Me, Zi Yang and Jun Wei had to stay back to complete our Mould Design assignments. We officially started doing the assignments from 6pm all the way to-WAIT FOR IT-10.30pm!!! WTF.WTF.WTF.

Seriously, does anybody stay in school that late to complete their assignments?

14th July 2010(Wednesday):

Wednesday managed to go back home early. How early? 4pm. Then, straightaway played soccer with the HomeTeam until 7pm. Then, I realized I didn't even study for Mould Design Test tomorrow! FML.

15th July 2010(Thursday):

A routine Thursday with a unprepared test coming up later in the afternoon. Best part. Was in school since 9am. Received a sms from the Mould Design lecturer, asking to bring the prac. book as 'You gonna need it for test'. At 12pm. 3hrs before test. You don't fking expect me to go back home and take the fking book!!! I have other class to attend to, you know!!! FK.

As expected, can't do the stupid 'from 1hr-changed-to 1 and 1/2hrs' test. After test, me, Zi Yang, Zahid and Jie Hwee stayed back and asked Michael to teach us. Then had a Mac dinner in school with Zahid.

Then Rahmat called. Asking to meet. Being a good friend, I decided to meet up. Then came along Bryan. Chat a lot. Went home only at 9...

16th July 2010(Friday):

Mould Design lab.3 agonizing hours. Nearly late. Went in at 7.59am. 2mins before she locked the door. It should end at 11am but instead, it ended nearly 11.30am. Me, Zi Yang and Jun Wei still had to hand in our assignments. So, we only ended the 11.45am. 15mins before the nxt class. So, me and Zi Yang decided to skip lunch. After lecture, went to the library to do the Metro lab report. Finished the 16-PAGE LAB REPORT in 3hrs. Must thanked Zi Yang for the references.Haha.

#19. I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.

#20. The only time I look forward to a red light is when I’m trying to finish a text.

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