Saturday, August 20, 2011

Know Me Better!

Know Me Better (From Tumblr)
1.Name: Azwan

2.Age: 5 more days, I'm 20!

3.Best Friend/s: None. I have close friends, though. They know who they are.

4.Relationship Status: Single~

5.Piercings you have: None.

6.Piercings you want: Hmmmm....Nahhhh

7.Tattoos you have: Again, None.

8.Tattoos you want: Nahhhhh...

9.Favorite Blog: This one? Haha. Does my tumblr count? Haha. Okay2. is my
favorite blog (besides mine). Link on the sidebar (Erik)

10.The meaning behind my url: Well, I feel that sometimes, I can only express myself through
my blog... Hence, the url: expressingthewayiam

11.Favorite band at the moment: Rise Against.

12.Favorite movie at the moment: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2

13.A fact about my personality: I don't know. I'm awesome? And I'm awesomely good at it?

14.What I hate most about myself: I can't bring myself to hate someone even though how much
hurt they cause me :/

15.What I love most about myself: Patience.

16.What I want to be when I'm older: Writer, maybe an author. Editor-In-Chief in some huge
publishing company...

17.Idea of a perfect date: You should ask ziyang how I squeeze 4 dates into 1 day... I know, I'm THAT good.

18.Thing/s I hate most: My course?

19.Weakness: Laziness.

20.Phobia: Snakes. Yowzza. I wouldn't be caught dead touching that thing.

21.What I hate most about school: Most of the lecturers.

22.Things I find attractive in guys: WHAT?!

23.Biggest turn on: Just strip. Haha.

24.Biggest turn off: Smoking.

25.A random fact I know: A moment used to be equivelant to 30 seconds.

26.A quote I love my life on: Never say never. haha. No. Hmmm... Life's is a highway...

27.Something I need to get my chest off: I'M......Is that a bug on my computer?

28.A description of a person I hate and why I them: Refer to question 14.

29.The last time I cried and why: Listening to Hello cover by Johnathan Groff and Lea Michele
(Glee). Why? Hmm...Just listen...

30.Looks or personality-why?: This is a toughie. Can't I just both? I'd be lying if I don't look at
looks more than personality...But if the person is only skin deep, then, that just sucks, am I right? I'm sure we all want the best of both worlds. Don't you lie.

"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"- Adele (Someone Like You)

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