Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blog Revival

Okay, instead of the usual I'm baccckkkkk!!! (That's so mainstream), I've decided to make this post somewhat of a press conference. So, leggo!

Q: I thought your blog was dead.
A: Well, in that case, it has been resurrected! Nah, it was just a very long hiatus. And unlike Two & A Half Men, it's coming back for the better :D

Q: Why have you suddenly revived your blog?
A: Writing has been always my passion. However, I've been very busy with school that I'd forgo blogging. I'd never intended to stop blogging.

Q: Why now?
A: I've finally have some spare time! Although I'm currently on attachment, I have no reports to write, modules to study, projects to finish and deadlines to meet. Hence, freeing some time I so desperately need to blog. Yay.

Q: Why not just make a new blog?
A: Memories. There's good and there's bad. The bad may outweights the good but it makes what I am today.

Q: What to expect in this blog?
A: Well, I'll be blogging about my 12-week FYP experience to my current attachment. I'll also post about my San Francisco-Seattle-Vancouver-San Francisco Trip. I'd definitely post about Greyson and my obsession with Asa. I'll also post short stories and movie reviews to keep this blog running.

Q: How frequent will you post on this blog?
A: As time allows me too. I'll post once in a day, not once a day. Probably 2-3 times a week? We'll see.
I want to end this post with a lil promo. Follow me on twitter! @shoutfromabove and check out my tumblr!
P.S My tumblr is currently on hiatus. I'll revive my tumblr once I buy a new laptop ;)
*The harder I work, the luckier I get.*

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