Friday, March 18, 2011


Hiya Blog,

How long since I last updated this? More importantly, how long has it been since I updated on the wee hours of morning?

I'm trying to fight insomnia here but I felt inspired while sleeping so why not I skip sleeping and do this instead? I mean, it's better than rolling left and right on my bed...

So, while I was trying to sleep, I suddenly remember about my old nieghbors...Fathima, Hussain, Haikal, Abbas and Johan. I miss them so much! The mischief and mayhem we used to cause! It was so memorable. We had so much fun together!

One of the most productive things I ever did with one of them was making a golf course. Only the putt part. We used a huge cardboard box. It was 1.5m long, slightly elavated. We made it for 5hours and was destroyed after 3months playing with it.

There were two games we always like to play, well, depending on the "season", they were 117 Idol(American Idol) and Amazing Race. In both games, I was the Ryan Seacrest and the-Amazing-Race-Host-What's-His-Name? We once even recorded it! I don't know where the footage has been.

I remember the arguments we had. The most EPIC was the Johan-Fathima Burst-Up. Let's just say there were spitting invloved and hairs needed to be shampooed...5times. We didn't play for a month because of that incident.

But there was one incident that had a lot of hate. It was nearing the end, me and Abbas had a huge fight. HUGE FIGHT without actually fighting. I regretted my actions and it took him almost 5 years for us to be friends again. Abbas and Johan moved away around time when I was Sec 3 and Fathima and Hussain followed suit a few months later.

Well, now, I had a so-called new set of neighbors. Lorenzo, Shahrin, Daramin and Hafidz. Time for me to create a new chapter in my life.

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