Saturday, March 26, 2011

Seth Walsh 1997-2010

So, I actually planned to write about Diary of wimpy kid: Rodrick Rules on my previous post but after my encounter with that particular subject, I just felt the need to post that.

And apparently, I'm not finished yet.

I'm so disgusted, not by Seth's actions, but by the people who "pushed" him. Those heartless kids who pushed him to the edge and made him jumped off the cliff. I don't even know why they feel sorry for him now. It's too late. Too fucking late. He's just kid, for God's sake. I know, middle school can be tough. I know, I've been there and I'm still not out(in terms of, you know, bullying).

I had my fair share of being bullied, you don't know how many times I'd planned my revenge in my dreams... But what can I do? Nothing. If I retaliate, I would get myself into deeper trouble. Did I contemplate the idea of killing myself? To be frank, yes. But it doesn't solve everything, true, you wouldn't get bullied anymore. But is it worth it? Are you willing to take your own life just to make them stop? Fuck no. You are actually letting them win. You surrendered.

Seth didn't die instantanously. He was unconcious after his mom found him hanging from the tree. He was under intensive care unit for 9 days before he, in his own words, becomes the universe. I'm so distruaght just listening to his mom reading out loud his suicide note. God, I don't even know him and I feel myself tearing up.

To qoute from Rise Against song, "Make Them Stop", gathering candles, but not their tongue.

They will feel sorry but they won't stop.

He wasn't the only one who committed suicide last year, there was Tyler Clementi, 18. Asher Brown, 13. Cody Barker, 17. Harrison Chase Brown, 15 and Billy Lucas, 15. That's 6. That's fucking 6 kids who took their life because they couldn't bear living in this cruel world.

R.I.P Tyler, Asher, Cody, Harrison, Billy and Seth.

I guess I'm pretty lucky to have friends like, well, I don't want to mention their names here. I'm sure they know who they are. Thanks guys.

Seth Walsh 1997-2010
Seth, you are the inspiration of my book.

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